Your content and publishing efforts must be focused on achieving
two things: building trust and educating.
Content that builds trust
Blog.Blogs are the absolute necessary part of content strategy as they make sharing so easy. The search engines love blog content and regular blog writing can help in SEO. Blog is a very effective way to educate consumers about healthcare and help a hospital in creating a clear cut differentiation from the competitors.
Social media.Develop our page on all social media and develop a profile and your brand. Social media offers an easy way to connect with consumers. Develop your positive profiles with regular updates on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, instagram, snapchat etc. Presence on You tube, online media including magazines are also good ways to develop trust.
 Educational Content
Reviews, Ratings and reviews on Google, Yahoo, Bing, You tube, all allow others to rate and review so that a genuine feedback is on the way for the business. Potential consumers trust these reviews and feedbacks. Your marketing team will never have total control over this category, but ignoring it may be one of the most damaging forces for a brand. Proactive, aggressive monitoring of this channel is a must.
Testimonials. Patient testimonials are a powerful form of content. Every hospital should seek patient content in multiple forms: written, audio and video. This content adds important trust-building endorsements and makes for great brand building.
The Core Story. Every practice should have a well-developed core story that’s documented in the form of a white paper or eBook. This content must dive deeply into what makes a practice different.
Seminars.Patients are always looking for information packaged in ways that will help them get what they want. Presentations, workshops and seminars (online and off) are tremendous ways to provide education.
Success stories. Building rich examples of actual patients succeeding through the use of the product or service offerings is
a tremendous way to help people learn from other patients and
practice just like them. If you have a success story like a successful complicated medical procedure, let the whole world specially your target audience know about. The Web and digital interactivity now represent the center of the marketing universe. Most marketing decisions start and end there. Web advertising, SEO, referrals are used now a days as part of marketing strategy.